固瑞克5900划线机 适用漆型:溶剂型标线漆、水溶性标线漆 主要技术参数: 较大喷嘴尺寸:单枪0.043; 双枪0.029 较大输送率:1.60gpm(6.0 lpm) 较大工作压力:3300psi(22.7Mpa,227bar) 发动机规格:5.5HP本田 油箱容量:0.95加仑(3.6升) 整机重量:105kg 外形尺寸:81.3W×101.6H×165.1L(厘米) LineLazer IV5900融合更多特殊的增强性能,出众的设计使设备划出的标线较**、流畅!它可以喷涂较重、低VOC、水性和溶剂划线涂料。这些划线机非常适合中到重型的划线需求。 特性: 1.新型加强减振系统: 消除发动机振动,明显提供了标线质量。 减少喷嘴处60%的振动。 2.新型喷枪后置支架: 能将该喷枪装在后轴附近,划出厚实的直线和流畅的曲线。 更加方便看见喷枪操作,特别是玻璃微珠应用。 3.新型轻质喷枪固定装置: 整个重量减少25%,尽量减少地面不平所引起的喷枪活动。 **的挤压铝合金设计。 弹簧钢索防止喷枪主动关闭。 4.全新的Chromex泵杆: 为满足要求,制造时泵杆采用特殊的**命处理。 硬度是普通铬的四倍。 5.新型易卸式*流体过滤器 过滤器与帽盖一起拆除,清洗方便。 *流体设计,冲洗迅速,可**进行颜色更换 6.Advantage Drive 系统 重型离合器可自动进行调整和对齐,延长使用寿命。 淬硬齿轮**性出色,并可实现安静*运行。 For over 13 years, Graco has been excelling in the manufacturing and engineering of advanced airless striping solutions. Each new generation introduces new technologies and new features. We commit to continuously improve and exceed our professional striping contractors demands. 优势 ★PRODUCTIVITY: Professional striping contractors strive for continuous improvement in the line quality and definition. They need to complete a job quickly and efficiently. They require maximum versatility of their system and easy adjustments. At the same time, a system must be fast to set-up and fast to clean. ★LINES: Lines need to be even and remain consistent throughout the job. They must be absolutely straight with sharp, crisp edges. The paint must be evenly sprayed and the thickness maintained.